Summary |
Germplasm: 137769
WGS Germplasm: 6345
WGS Sample: 7010
Reference Genome:
Japonica Nipponbare (Nip)
Indica ShuHui498 (R498)
Traits: 127
Values: 4804300
Loci: 95325
Locus Genotypes: 1980767
Nip SNP: 14850931
Nip InDel: 2250804
R498 SNP: 13278107
R498 InDel: 2387538
Named Gene: 13219
Described Trait: 4821
Verified Alleles: 189
RNA-Seq Datasets:
Tissue: 20
Stage: 45
Datasets: 175
About |
Molecular Breeding Knowledgebase (MBKbase) is an integrated database for population next-generation sequencing, germplasm resources, phenotypic and various othergenomics data.
This work was partially supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences ‘Strategic Priority Research Program’ fund (XDA08020302) and fund from theState Key Laboratory of Plant Genomics.
Cite MBKbase doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz921
News |
Nov. 20,2019 Top
Data Update:
Published 3K-RG phenotype data from RFGB have been added to MBKbase.
Nov. 17,2019
Data Update:
10 domesticated and wild rice genomes (doi: 10.1038/s41588-018-0040-0) have been added to blast and G2G-map tools under Tools.
May. 22,2019
Data Update:
The module KnownGene and Population have been updated. Three WGS population data have been loaded to database, and a new phylogenetic tree has been generated.
For advanced tools under Tools, GBrowse is replaced with JBrowse, and a new WebArray tools has been deployed.
Dec. 14,2018
Data Update:
The SNPs InDelsof based onR498-reference have been loaded into database.,Tthe genome annotation of R498 and Nip hasve been updated to V3, and all locus genotyping data have also been updated.
Nov. 28,2018
Tools update:
Under tools, a G2G-Map tool (and sequence download), genotype query by sequence is available now; In the CustomGT page, a genotyping of multi-loci combination query tool is also available.
June 01,2018
Tools update:
UnderTools, a Submit tool is available. A user can submit a VCF-like file of a sample for generating an online report in real-time.